Testing Tools

Aarisha helps organizations automate test cases using industry standard software testing tools that are best suited for the product and significantly reduce testing cycle time.

The following is an indicative list of our tool expertise:

Automated Functional & Regression Testing

WinRunner, SilkTest, RationalRobot, QuickTest, Test Complete

Load Testing

LoadRunner, SilkPerformer, WebLoad, OpenSTA, AutoIT (used for simulating windows based application), TCL/Tk Expect (Simulation of Telnet based appln)

White Box Testing

Boundschecker, Purify, PureCoverage

Unit Testing

Jprobe, Junit

Defect & Change Tracking

ClearQuest, GNATS, Bugzilla, d-tracker, TeamTrack, SourceForge, Test Director, Visual Intercept

GUI Testing

Mercury WinRunner, Silk test

Memory Leak


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